Recursively add permissions to a users home folder with icacls
Having issues with long file paths also when trying to set permissions? Check out this guide on how to find...
Having issues with long file paths also when trying to set permissions? Check out this guide on how to find...
xcopy c:\source_folder_name e:\destination_folder_name /O /X /E /H /K
Quick tip for getting a list of all domain controllers in a domain using cmd nltest /dclist:mydomain.local
Quick tip to remotely log off a disconnected user session logoff /server:"servername" | qwinsta /server:"servername" "username"
To enable RDP with the Command Prompt, use the following steps. Launch Command Prompt as AdministratorType the following command Reg...
This is the easiest way I have found to reliably open all ports on a SQL server for access. Quick...
This one took a bit of working out but worked perfectly in the end. A nice easy PowerShell one-liner powershell...
I wrote this bit of code a long while back when I inherited a school that had failing backups...
To Add printers globally, run the following commands from a command promt. The print spooler service must be restarted for...
Quite an easy fix via cmd e:\ (letter of usb drive etc) attrib -h -s *.* /S /D