Remote zero touch LiteTouch deployment
This can be easily achieved by adapting the script below to fit your needs, I use the below with PDQ Deploy to remotely in place upgrade machines on mass to a newer Windows 10 OS.
Just change the name of the server and you task sequence ID to a Standard client upgrade task sequence.
\\server\deploymentshare$\Scripts\LiteTouch.vbs /SkipTaskSequence:YES /TaskSequenceID:002 /SkipDeploymentType:Yes /DeploymentType:REFRESH /SkipComputerName:YES /SkipDomainMembership:YES /UserDataLocation:AUTO /SkipUserData:YES /SkipComputerBackup:YES /ComputerBackupLocation:NONE /SkipLocaleSelection:YES /SkipApplications:YES /SkipAdminPassword:YES /SkipBitLocker:YES /SkipSummary:YES /FinishAction:Reboot
How do you handle naming the machine?
This is just for the In place upgrade of a client so doesnt need a new hostname as the machine is already installed