How to replace the certificate used for Anywhere Access

Issue / Fault definition
The certificate has expired or is expiring.
Known Fixes / Solutions
This can also be done via PowerShell
Get-ChildItem Cert:\LocalMachine\My
$cert = Get-ChildItem -Path cert:\localmachine\my | Where-Object Thumbprint -eq “CERT_THUMB_FROM _ABOVE”
Set-RemoteAccess -SslCertificate $cert -Verbose
Remember also to change the certificate in IIS and Recycle the Application pool
- Open the Windows Server Essentials Dashboard;
- On Home Page – Get Started – Quick Status, click on Anywhere Access and then on “Click to configure Anywhere Access”;
- On Domain Name, click on Set Up…
- Click Next;
- Select “Use another domain name or domain name service provider”, then click Next;
- Select “I want to use a domain name I already own”;
- Type the domain name you want to use. The domain name must match the Subject or Subject Alternative Name set on the certificate you want to use;
- Click Next;
- Select “Set up my domain name manually” and then click Next;
- Mark the check box “I have manually configured my domain name” and then click Next;
- Specify the domain name prefix you want to use. If you are not using a Wildcard Certificate, the Full Qualified Domain Name must match the Subject or Subject Alternative Name set on the certificate you want to use;
- Select the option “I want to use an existing SSL certificate” and then, click Next;
- Click Browse and select the certificate file;
- Type the password for the private key and then, click Next;
- Click Close;
- Open a Browser and check if the certificate has been updated;
- If the certificate has not been updated, open the Anywhere Access configuration again and click on Repair;
- Click Next;
- Select the features that you are using and click Next;
- Wait until the repair process finish;
- Open a Browser and check if the certificate has been updated;