Enable MPIO in Core (non-GUI) Versions of Windows Server

To enable MPIO in a Server Core edition of Windows Server, run the following command at an elevated command prompt, this will install the Windows Multi-Pathing Feature.
dism /online /enable-feature:MultipathIo
Alternatively, MPIO can be enabled with the following Windows PowerShell cmdlet:
Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -Featurename MultipathIO
Use the following command to claim all MPIO-eligible devices on the system:
mpclaim -r -i -a “”
You can check that MPIO is working and that the Claim has been successful via Disk Management, you should get something similar to the below with the MPIO disk showing twice.

Thanks for this. It’s friday afternoon and I’ve got no idea what I’m doing so this just saved me a ton of screwing around.
No worries Andrew, MPIO can be a bit daunting trust me!