How to save a Word doc to password protected PDF
To save a Word doc to password protected PDF can be achieved in very few steps as below. Click FileClick...
To save a Word doc to password protected PDF can be achieved in very few steps as below. Click FileClick...
Simple method to disable Windows 10 sleep via a command / batch script for users. @echo off for /f "tokens=4...
Azure AD SSO Single sign-on (SSO) allows enterprise users to use only one set of credentials for multiple applications and...
Disable Modern Authentication by regedit HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\Identity Create a DWORD value named EnableADAL and set it to 0. If this does...
This article is still in progress, please check back for more content shortly Office 365 SSO has long been a...
This article is for you if - You wish to demote a domain controllerYou need to find out about demoting...
Google Chrome has Flash player built in as standard and auto updates; however Adobe have announced end of life for...
You simply have to rename the parent folder and then rename it back. Voilá, the file is deleted. For example:...
So this started at the beginning of last week with a report from a member of teaching staff experiencing really...
This setting is found in group policy, you can modify the settings on your own computer if your computer isn’t...